
Internet – A simple Introduction

Nowadays the Internet plays a leading role in the lives of most people. The apparent ease of use often creates the illusion that people know it well. But is that the case? This course hopes to create a new, more user-friendly look for the Internet.


The Internet has now taken an important place in everyone’s lives, and the apparent ease of use has helped greatly with this. Using the Internet is really easy. But is it really? Does it really help make our lives easier or harder?

The Internet is a “tool”. Like all the tools we need to know how to use it properly.

This course contains the following, very important, modules relating to the Internet.

- What is the Internet?

- Searching for Information on the Internet.

- Which Websites Can We Trust?

- Secure Websites - Online Transactions.

- Risks to our Computer.

The course will be presented by Jason. Have fun!

Learning Subject: Internet

Ages addressed: for students, parents and grandparents.

Certificate of Completion: Yes