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Exercises Moving Edison

Lesson Progress

Exercises Moving Edison


Exercise 1

Write a program so that your Edison robot will drive through the mini maze on activity sheet below when you hit the play (triangle) button.

Print it!

[pdfviewer width="100%" height="1000" beta="true/false"]http://coyotelearner.co/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/activity-sheet.pdf[/pdfviewer]

To successfully complete the maze, you must:
• have Edison start from behind the ‘start’ line,
• have Edison stop after crossing the ‘finish’ line, and
• keep Edison inside the border lines of the maze.
Use the robot programming knowledge that you’ve gained so far to write a program which uses multiple functions to allow Edison to make it through the maze’s turns.

Who can get through the maze the fastest, without cheating?
Remember: your robot must start from behind the start line, stop after the finish line and must not drive over any border lines to win.

Design your own, more challenging maze with a few more turns for Edison to navigate. Write a program for Edison to complete the maze successfully. Or, exchange mazes with a partner and write a program to complete their maze successfully.
Remember: your robot must start from behind the start line, stop after the finish line and must not drive over any border lines to win.