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Hi kids!
In this lesson, we will drive Edison!
However, this time we will not just make it drive forward. We will learn how to turn right and left. Of course, all of this will be done by writing our program! To write our program we will use EdBlocks. Let’s find the EdBlocks app.
On our computer, we type www.edblocksapp.com in a browser. Another way is to look for the word Edblocksapp on a search engine machine.
We can program Edison to turn right or left for a set amount of time. So we have to find the right block.
In the top left side of our screen there are several categories of blocks. We select the category “drive”. We see all the available blocks with which we can program Edison to drive. Since we want Edison to turn right, we select the block with the arrow pointing to the right. We drag it... and drop it next to the yellow block, which is the start block.
We can change the amount of time that we want our robot to turn right.
Then we program Edison to turn to the left.
We don’t need the block with which Edison turns to the right anymore, so we have to delete it. That is why we select it, drag it to the bottom right of the screen and drop it in the bucket.
Now we have to choose the block with which Edison can turn to the left.
We go to the top left of the screen and select the “drive” category.
We choose the block with the arrow pointing to the left.
We drag it... and drop it next to the yellow block, which is the start block.
We can change the amount of time we want our robot to turn to the left.
Perfect! Now, we will use 2 tracks to do some testing with the program we wrote.
You can find the tracks in the accompanying document titled as “Resources”.
After downloading the program to Edison, we place the robot in the position shown on the 1st track.
We press the play button and Edison turns right.
Then we try different values until we make Edison make a 90 degree turn.
The exact same steps are followed on the 2nd track until we can make Edison make a 180 degree turn...
How many seconds did it take to get Edison to turn right 90 degrees?
How many seconds did it take to get Edison to turn right 180 degrees?
Give your answers to the next question's section.
[pdfviewer width=”100%” height=”600px” beta=”true/false”]http://coyotelearner.co/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Barcodes-info_EN.pdf[/pdfviewer]