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Electronic Games and Coding

Electronic Games and Coding

Video – Game Categories

Video Transcript


There are different game categories that can satisfy all preferences.

What is your favorite category?

Watch Stevie carefully.

I'm sure that he will help you decide.

Good evening from me as well.

There are so many game categories for computers, that we will only look at the most important ones.

So, let's start with traditional board games.

Chess, checkers, backgammon, card games. They are played by 2 people. If a player can’t find an opponent he can challenge the computer as his opponent.

The next category is role-playing.

These are adventure games which often involve dragons, castles, knights and warriors.

The character usually acquires new skills as the game evolves.

Speed racing games usually contain cars racing against each other on tracks.

The next category is very popular nowadays. These are the “sandbox” games.

These games do not define a specific route that the player has to follow. There is freedom to explore the world of the game by choosing different routes and making different decisions each time.

The next category is battle games. Characters can make various combat moves that are activated with various key combinations.

Strategy games give players the opportunity to make continuous decisions.

There are usually not many options. The right choice can lead to points, trophies and victories.

Another interesting category are simulation games. Simulators aim to create real-life situations.

Would you like to have a pet without the responsibility for its care? You can create a virtual puppy!

There are games focused on sports, music or dance, as well as puzzle games.

In this category we should not forget the escape games.

In these, the player must use his imagination to go through a labyrinth.

Video – Introduction to Game Planning

Video Transcript


The next section is "Introduction to Game Planning".

It is about a very important lesson.

There are several concepts you need to learn in order to understand the next lessons.

I remind you once again. Freeze the screen and read again the important texts when you think it is necessary to.

Stevie, if you're ready, you can start.

Thank you Athena!

Indeed today’s lesson is very interesting and important.

Good evening to you all!

Games usually contain several objects that work together and are being controlled by their own script.

Below you can watch a few seconds of a SCRATCH game

We will create this game together in one of the following lessons.

The sprites in this game are the dog, the bones, the cars, the ghosts but as well as the walls that stop the course of the rest of the objects.

Let's have a quick look at the form of a script.

In this script the dog which is the leading character of the game we just saw is being controlled

Let's take a look at the instructions from the beginning one by one.

Once the game starts, we set the size of the dog that we want.

You see the starting size of the dog is this. ..

We change it into that ...

Also, the dog's starting position in the set will always be this. In this direction .. It will look right ..

With this code we control the dog's movement when the player pushes the up arrow on the keyboard.

This part of the code could be read as follows:

For all the duration of the game

If the player pushes the up arrow on the keyboard then

The puppy turns to direction

And moves 5 steps forward

If he touches the wall he will have to go 5 steps back.

5 steps forward minus 5 step back he stands still and the line works like a wall!

You see how scripts controlling objects are created exclusively based on logic.

You see how scripts controlling objects are created exclusively based on logic.

The instructions we need are ready and we just use them by creating puzzles with our mouse.