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Let’s detect obstacles SE

Lesson Progress

Let’s detect obstacles SE

Video Transcript

Hello to you all!

A robot that is moving might encounter obstacles on its way.

In this lesson, we will make Edison detect those obstacles! Once they have been detected, we will also stop the robot from running into them. Of course, all of this will be done by writing our program!

This program needs the operation of Edison’s infrared light sensors.

The light has a wide spectrum.. Humans can only see a part of it, not all of the spectrum.

Infrared light is invisible to humans, but of course it exists, even though we cannot see it through our eyes. Despite that, we use it very much! Did you know that infrared light is used on the TV remote control?

In this way, the remote control “tells” the TV to change the channel turn up the volume.

Just like a TV remote, Edison uses infrared light.

Edison has two infrared emitting diodes on the front, one on the right and one on the left. He also has an infrared sensor on the front, right in the middle.

With Edblocks, we can write a program that tells LED lights to emit infrared light.

This light is reflected by any object in front of Edison and turns back. Edison can detect this light with the infrared sensor.

Using Edblocks we write the program you can see.

This program tells Edison to drive forward until he detects an obstacle. When Edison “sees” the obstacle, then it will stop.

Now, let’s try and place some other objects, of different sizes and materials, and let’s see if Edison will stop or not.