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Let’s drive SE

Lesson Progress

Let’s drive SE

Video Transcript

Hi guys!

In this lesson, we will drive Edison! However, this time we will do it in a different way: we will write our program! To write our program we will use EdBlocks. Let’s find the EdBlocks app.

On our computer, we type www.edblocksapp.com in a browser.

Another way is to look for the word Edblocksapp on a search engine machine.

We can program Edison to drive forward for a set amount of time. So we have to find the right block.

In the top left of our screen there are several categories of blocks.

We select the category “drive”. We see all the available blocks with which we can program Edison to drive. Since we want Edison to drive forward, we select the block with the arrow pointing forward. We drag it... and drop it next to the yellow block, which is the start block.

We can always change the amount of time that we want our robot to move forward by clicking on the number box and typing in the time we want.

Great! Now we will use a track to do some testing with the program we wrote.

You can find the track in the accompanying document titled as “Resources”. After downloading the program to Edison, we place the robot behind the startup line.

We press the play button and Edison goes straight ahead.

Oops! We went beyond what we wanted.

Then we test different values until we get Edison to stop just after crossing the finish line.

How many seconds did it take to travel from the start to the finish?

Give your answer in the next questions’ section.